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Mais populares em Berlin
Melhores ofertas
Berlin WelcomeCard - Passe de Berlin
O WelcomeCard de Berlin é (quase) tudo que você precisa quando visita Berlin. O Passe dá acesso ilimitado ao transporte público (zonas AB ou ABC) e grandes descontos em mais de 200 museus, visitas guiadas, restaurantes e bem-estar. Escolha a validade do Passe e a área de cobertura do transporte público (AB ou ABC) e viva Berlin da melhor maneira - a sua!
Museu Altes: ingresso sem filas
Buy your tickets from home and skip the line into the Altes Museum on Berlin's famous Museum Island. Here you'll be transported back to an ancient world, where Greek philosophers wandered and Roman soldiers marched. Explore the treasure trove of Classical antiquities at the Altes Museum, get your entrance tickets now.
Museu Neues: ingresso sem filas
Experience the treasures of Egypt and art through the ages at the incredible Neues Museum in Berlin. Skip the line and get face-to-face with that ancient icon Nefertiti - and much, much more!
Museu Bode: ingresso sem filas
Avoid the lines at Bode Museum, get straight into the museum and start exploring. Situated on the north side of Museum Island, you can admire the incredible handiwork of some of the finest craftsmen and artists of the age. Buy your ticket from home!

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